Stuffed to the Gills | Salmon Stuffed with Spinach, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, and Feta

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

Da-dun-tss. I’m not sure what is more hilarious – my lame pun (stuffed to the gills) or the fact that da-dun-tss is actually defined by Urban Dictionary and my name is totally used in the example. Check it. Anyways…

Want to know how to really impress someone? Anyone…a family member? A friend? A member of the opposite sex (or same sex, if that’s your thing)? (whether or not you’re trying to woo said person is totally optional, but preferred)

…cook for them! And don’t just cook anything. Cook something that totally looks and tastes like you put way more effort into it than you actually did!

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

This salmon is a fine example. I mean, look at it. Two thick salmon fillets, perfectly cooked, and sandwiched around a ridiculously delicious filling of spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, and feta cheese. It’s beautiful! And totally looks and tastes gour-met. I’m confident enough in the wow-factor of this salmon that I’m prepared to give you a money-back guarantee. If you make this for someone and they don’t like love it, I will have a batch of freshly baked cookies couriered to your doorstep. Call it a cookie-back guarantee. (But play nice and refrain from testing my theory on someone who is opposed to fish, ’cause obviously that ain’t gonna work).

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

Seriously. My Dad makes a mean grilled salmon, but this comes in at a very close second. And it’s as easy as can be! The inspiration came from a dinner I had at a friend’s place (hi Bev!), where she made a similar stuffed salmon, but with goat cheese. I never got her recipe but tried to recreate it at home and decided to use feta, since that’s what I had on hand. The feta is a little bit less overpowering than goat cheese, which worked really well here, since some of the other flavors (like the sweetness of the sun-dried tomatoes) were able to shine through. Serve the salmon with Orzo with Parmesan and Basil, and a steamed green like broccoli or asparagus, and you’ve got yourself an incredible, yet supremely easy meal. Sure to win over the hearts of many.

Please take me up on my offer. I like being right.

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

Salmon Stuffed with Spinach, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, and Feta

Serves 2-3 generously. If feeding a larger group, increase the size of the salmon fillets and double or triple the filling ingredients. Also be prepared to adjust the baking time. Make sure that your fillets are very similar in size and have a relatively even thickness throughout. If the fillets are thick in the centre and thin at the ends, you will end up with cooked ends and an uncooked centre, or a cooked centre and overcooked ends, which would be a real shame. 

2 fresh salmon fillets (skinless), about 1/2 pound each and 1 inch thick

1 TBSP. olive oil

2 heaping cups of fresh baby spinach, roughly chopped

1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil (drained and roughly chopped)

1/3 cup + 2 TBSP. crumbled feta cheese

2 cloves of garlic, minced

1 lemon, halved

Salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat the oven to 375°F. Spray a shallow casserole dish or baking sheet with non-stick spray. Lay one of the fillets down in the baking dish. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium-heat and saute the spinach until just wilted, about 1 minute. Add the sun-dried tomatoes and the garlic, and stir for another minute. Remove from heat and stir in 1/3 cup of feta cheese.

Spread the mixture evenly on top of the fillet. Squeeze half of the lemon over top of the filling. Lay the second fillet over top of the first, lining it up as evenly as possible. Squeeze the other half of the lemon over top, and then liberally sprinkle with salt, pepper, and the remaining feta cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the salmon is just cooked through. Please note that the baking time will vary greatly depending on the size and thickness of your salmon fillets, so adjust accordingly. I suggest keeping a close eye on it after the first 20 minutes.

Stuffed Salmon | Once Upon a Recipe

Now get to that woo-ing.


  1. Hi Amanda….I’m so glad you enjoyed that dinner, and I must try it with the feta cheese too!

  2. I can’t wait to try this recipe! I’m always looking for new ways to spice up salmon. This looks incredible.

  3. I love your joke!!! Gills, good one! I agree, if somebody does not like this, there is a problem with them. Give them the boot so then there is more for you! I feel like I want to eat that glorious filling all on it’s own! Looks so pretty!

  4. If someone cooked this for me, I would be so busy eating it that I would agree to anything. File this one away under recipes of mass distraction.

  5. o.m.g, My captain ginger beard come back from a month away tomorrow and I was wondering what to make him!
    Problem solved!
    *High Five*

  6. Delicious! I make almost the exact same dish but with chicken. I absolutely love the way the feta melts. yum.

  7. Salmon is one of my favorites for its versatility and health benefits! I’ve never made stuffed salmon and this sounds and looks fabulous! Great thinking – this is what I’m making next time seafood’s on the menu!!

  8. I make a similar dish with feta, olives, fresh dill and spinach. The flavor permeate the salmon is such a lovely way. Your pictures are beautiful. This is my first time to your blog. I am looking forward to seeing more recipes.

  9. This looks so good I can’t stop looking at the photos. Wow!!!!!

  10. you just stuffed salmon? I’m in love with this idea. Plus you stuffed it with some of my favorites foods. Amazing!

  11. Holy moly! This looks fabulous, Amanda! Pinning this for date night 🙂

  12. What a pretty stack of salmon filet’s. I love that you stuffed them with feta and sundried tomatoes, sounds incredibly yummy!

  13. Such a great way to eat salmon! I Must try this recipe out soon as I love salmon, I usually cook it once a week!

  14. I love your Stuffed to the Gills title! And this looks so delicious. I love salmon and always need new ways to cook it. Yum!

  15. Love this idea for stuffed salmon! I’m always looking for new ways to prepare salmon, and all the flavors in this recipe – especially the feta and sun dried tomatoes – sound fantastic! 🙂

  16. This sounds soo delicious. What a yummy and absolutely impressive dinner! Such good flavors in here – love the Mediterranean theme 🙂

  17. Such an out of ordinary way of serving salmon. I was looking for that. I am a fan of every ingredient in that recipe! I can tell already it tastes wonderful.

  18. Ha, I love your heading for this. Looks delish too, I haven’t cooked fish in ages…I need some omega 3s desperately!

  19. Your site is SO cute and I love the name. That salmon looks amazing! I have to try it. You have a new subscriber! 🙂

  20. LOVE the idea of a salmon sandwich! I will definitely try it…I just can’t get enough salmon! 🙂

  21. Love finding new ways to make salmon. Looks just wonderful!

  22. Fantastic! Think I should send YOU some freshly baked cookies…

  23. Is this recipe for one serving?

  24. This recipe was fabulous…I had a few marinated artichokes left over, so I chopped them up and added, WOW! This is a keeper, going to make it again for company next week.

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