Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe

Haaaaaapppppppppyyyy Friday!

In celebration of being on the verge of one of these glorious things called the weekend, I bring you waffles. Whole wheat and oat cinnamon rhubarb waffles to be exact. I can’t lie. I’ve become a bit waffle-obsessed. I can’t stop thinking about all of the waffle possibilities. Of course we have sweet waffles. We also have savoury waffles. But then we have waffle sandwiches. Waffle donuts. And I bet waffle nachos could totally be a thing.

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe

Today we’re keeping it pretty simple. We’ve got whole wheat flour and oats for some hearty oomph. The rhubarb adds a little tartness (PS. You could totally sub in apples for the rhubarb). And there’s cinnamon and brown sugar for flavour. Think: rhubarb crisp in waffle form. And if you want to go all out, you can top the waffles with butter and a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar. Boom. If that doesn’t start your day off right, I don’t know what will.

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe

It’s the weekend, friends! Enjoy, relax, live it up, treat yo’ self, and eat some waffles. In that order.

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles (adapted from Taste of Home)

These hearty waffles taste delicious with butter and cinnamon sugar (simply combine 1/4 cup sugar with 2 tsp. cinnamon), or fruit and syrup. If you can’t get your hands on any rhubarb or if it’s not your thing, feel free to use apples instead. Makes 6 waffles. 

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup oats

3 tsp. baking powder

1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. salt

2 eggs, lightly beaten

1 1/2 cups milk

4 TBSP. butter, melted

2 TBSP. brown sugar

1 1/2 cups rhubarb, chopped

In a large bowl, combine the flour, oats, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, melted butter, and brown sugar. Add the wet ingredients to the dry, along with the chopped rhubarb. Mix until just combined. Cook according to the instructions of your waffle maker. Refrigerate or freeze leftover waffles, and reheat either in the toaster or the oven.

Whole Wheat & Oat Cinnamon Rhubarb Waffles | Once Upon a Recipe


  1. AMANDA! YES! Waffle nachos could totally be a thing. And in the meantime – and probably even after – I’ll eat your cinnamon rhubarb waffles. I love the fruit and oats and everything good here. It’s Friday here too – please make me some. Thank you.

  2. Well I have two choices now: Make these amazing waffles this morning as a second breakfast or make them tomorrow for breakfast. I choose BOTH.

  3. this recipe is making it really hard for me to go through life without a waffle maker!

  4. I love a good weekend breakfast, and waffles are such a treat. And these waffles are so different and looks hearty and delicious! It’s making me want to run out and get a waffle maker. Somehow, I’ve managed to hold out on one…

  5. YES to these waffles! I wish it were the weekend all over again so that I could enjoy my morning pot of coffee alongside these delicious beauties. I’ll save them for another weekend 😀 The rhubarb idea is juuuust killing me. I’m licking my chops in anticipation!

  6. Annnd I officially need a second breakfast now!

  7. Yum! These would make a great weekday dinner too! I’m not sure about the waffle nacho idea though 🙂

  8. Yay for waffles all day every day! I love the idea of stuffing them with rhubarb….bookmarked for when it is back in season!

  9. Gorgeous recipe! I think I need a waffle iron! Love the addition of the oats for a little texture. Deeelish!

  10. Ooh yes! These waffles are rockin!
    I totally dig the waffle nachos! Maybe with some mascarpone cheese? 😉

  11. Yet another reason I need to get my hands on a waffle iron- these look incredible!!!

  12. Oooooo I love how pretty these waffles are! I am always looking for new ways to use rhubarb. This might be a dumb thing to say but pies and crisps get kind of old. I love how hearty these are!

  13. Well, I love anything ‘rhubarb’ so why not rhubarb waffles? I think I need to get myself a waffle iron quick sharpish. I love that you’ve added in oats and wholewheat flour – I certainly wouldn’t feel guilty having these every day for a week for breakfast!

    • Thanks Helen! These waffles taste like a treat but are still hearty and healthy. They’re a perfectly balanced breakfast in my mind! Hope you have the chance to try them – they’d be a great way to break in your new waffle iron. 😉

  14. What a perfect way to celebrate Friday! These waffles sound and look absolutely incredible, Amanda! Love the cinnamon, perfect warming spice flavour and the addition of rhubarb totally unique and delicious! 😀

  15. I need these waffles in my life ASAP. The weekend totally screams waffles and pancakes to me! These are on the menu this weekend!

  16. anything with rhubarb is so good!!

  17. Old fashioned or quick oats?

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